Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Merry Christmas

I don't care if it's politically correct or not. Frankly, who cares? I'm going to say Merry Christmas. Not happy holidays. Not season's greetings. Merry Christmas. Christmas is the day that Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Perhaps December 25th is not the actual day that Jesus was born, but we celebrate it symbollically on the 25th. Gift-giving is done in remembrance of the gifts of the wise kings to the baby Jesus as well as in gratitude for the greatest gift of all: Our salvation. Yes, Christmas is commercialized, and yes, I get drawn into some of the commercialization, but my family and I still know in our heart the meaning of Christmas. It is Christ's Mass. No, I am not Catholic, though I have nothing against Catholics. I have been a Methodist most of my life, but I now attend a non-denominational Christian church that has a "Church of Christ" background. It is the most warm and friendly church I have ever been to. So, anyway, my point was that I am not going to cater to those that would have me make my holiday greetings more generic. My holiday greeting is MERRY CHRISTMAS!

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