Saturday, October 13, 2007

C and C - the amazing wonder-babies

I posted a few days ago about my step-grandsons who were born at 25 weeks gestation. Fifteen years ago, maybe less, they didn't even make tubes small enough for tiny 1 or 1 1/2 pound preemies. It is so amazing what they (doctors) can do now.

I got to see Collin and Connor on Wednesday in the NICU. They are perfectly formed, have all the necessary "parts," and seem to be thriving. Obviously, they are in for a very long stay at L'Hotel Hos-pitelle.

Today they had heart surgery. Yes, heart surgery. A fetus close to a full-term birth produces a substance causing the Ductus Arteriosus (a blood vessel in the heart) to close so the baby will be able to breathe air that has been oxygenated via the heart. In preemies, the blood vessel doesn't close, so the doctors surgically close it for them. IT WAS A SUCCESS for both of them!

We are not completely out of the woods yet, so to speak, but at this point, things look optimistic. My step-daughter-in-law was not doing so well after the birth, but she has improved greatly. Her blood pressure wasn't going down, she was on anti-seizure medication, and she had pulmonary edema. She has improved so much she may come home tomorrow. Isn't God great?

UPDATE - My D-I-L is much better. She's home now.


  1. I have twins, boy/girl. They tried to come at 29/5 but they were able to stop them. I will be praying for your daughter-in-law as well as your grandbabies! My mom says it will make your uterus twitch to hold two babies at once, ;)

    Thanks for the comment on my WW.

  2. Thank you for visiting my blog. I sincerely hope your grandsons will thrive. I lost my daughter at 26 weeks gestation. She wasn't given a chance.

  3. Thanks. Come back and visit anytime. I will keep the twins in my thoughts.

  4. Good morning ...I love premature babies and they were my passion for over 30 years..It is amazing what medicine can do for early babies now days...I will be keeping up with you and your grands..My blessings to all.I will put your blog under my favorite people to visit, if alright with you.. Baba


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