Sunday, January 27, 2008

What's in Your Closet? (Sunday Scribblings)

The prompt at Sunday Scribblings this week is "miscellaneous." This is what popped into my head.

A handful of old love letters from a long-ago paramour.
Faded and yellowed with age.

Plastic bins, old photographs, childhood memories.
That photo for the dance and tumbling routine.
Yellow leotard, lace pinafore, Dutch hat, and wooden shoes.
Scrapbooks with detailed pages for every major holiday or event.

A green binder, a maroon binder
Old report cards, childhood drawings, college papers.

Pictures of those first ultrasounds for baby A and baby B.
Among them vaccination records and social security cards.
Birth certificates on fancy legal paper.
Savings bonds that mature in seven years.
An impenetrable firebox under lock and key.

Clothes in sizes too large, too small, and just right.
Shoes to match. Or not.

An autumn wreath of burgundy, gold, and green.
Perched on a top shelf hanging on for dear life.

Sheets, pillows, and blankets.
Ages since they were used.
The smell of inattention permeates them.

Christmas decorations tucked away for ten months of the year.
Colorful candy-cane candles, stocking hangers, next year’s Christmas cards.

Collectible LP’s, each meaningful in its own way.
Situated in a pink crate and dusty from sitting unused.

An ancient Avon box to hold gift wrap, ribbons, bows.
Bright, colorful gift bags of all sizes to suit one’s needs.

And what’s this?
I’ve been looking all over for this!

To read more Sunday Scribblings, click here.


  1. Nice use of the prompt. Your closets are much more livelier than mine, which mostly contain turtlenecks I will never wear and a litter box in need of cleaning. My closets could use a little serendipity, or at least an air freshener for the cat ;-)

  2. Wo! that is one humongous closet! haha
    I wish I could shove all that stuff into one closet!
    (Can you spare a shelf?) Great way to tackle the prompt! :)

  3. Beautifully written. Your words create smells and sounds and pictures!

  4. That is one large treasure chest with a door nob.

  5. What a nice entry...I could just rumage through the closet, exploring, discovering. Thanks for sharing!

  6. Wonderful memories in those closets and drawers..

    Arty? Not me!!

  7. It's neat when a piece of writing just pops into your head. I wish that I had neat stuff like that in my closet. The only things worth mentioning are: half knitted projects, posts for a new stairway banister, and an unplayed guitar.

  8. many of these are in my closets :)
    wonderful take on the prompt!

  9. Watta lotta stuff! I have heaps of stuff too, only I call mine junk!


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