Who was the last person you hugged?
Who was the last person you hugged?
Share a beauty or grooming trick or tip with us.
Take your makeup off every night!
Share a beauty or grooming trick or tip with us.
Take your makeup off every night!
What does the color yellow make you think of?
The sun, and flowers, and all things spring. And the butter-yellow color of the nursery when the twins were just born.
Main Course
If you were to make your living as a photographer, what subject would your pictures revolve around?
Nature! Flowers, trees, rain, insects, birds. And of course, family. Candid shots.
What was the longest book you ever read?
The Stand by Stephen King. Probably the only book I ever read of his all the way through. The man is twisted. But The Stand was an awesome book. The movie does not do it justice.
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