Heads or Tails - Today’s Topic: Heads - Fool! In honor of April fool’s day.
“A fool and his money are soon parted.”
--Thomas Tusser, English farmer and writer, 1524-1580
There are so many excellent quotes about fools and foolishness, but this one is most appropriate for me right now. My husband and I have been having a tiff about money for over a week now that all started with this incident.
Hubby recently lost his personal debit card. Actually, he didn’t lose it; he let his daughters use it, one who can’t keep up with her driver’s license, and another who loses gift cards all the time and can’t remember to get her lunch out of the refrigerator in the morning, neither daughter extremely responsible, and guess what? They lost it.
He (in his foolishness), parted with his money (to the daughters) in the form of a debit card, now lost. The problem for me? He’s also parted with MY money! Since his card has been lost, all of his little charges keep adding up on OUR account (we keep an "ours" account and our separate personal accounts). He acrues several debits per day, making it impossible for me to keep an accurate balance, causing me to look like the bad guy when I question whether he’s paid back the expenses which are clearly designated to be paid from our personal accounts so that we will be able cover the general budget issues (such as house note, insurance, electricity) with our account, the way it’s supposed to be. It's just aggravating!
“A fool and his money are soon parted.”
--Thomas Tusser, English farmer and writer, 1524-1580
There are so many excellent quotes about fools and foolishness, but this one is most appropriate for me right now. My husband and I have been having a tiff about money for over a week now that all started with this incident.
Hubby recently lost his personal debit card. Actually, he didn’t lose it; he let his daughters use it, one who can’t keep up with her driver’s license, and another who loses gift cards all the time and can’t remember to get her lunch out of the refrigerator in the morning, neither daughter extremely responsible, and guess what? They lost it.
He (in his foolishness), parted with his money (to the daughters) in the form of a debit card, now lost. The problem for me? He’s also parted with MY money! Since his card has been lost, all of his little charges keep adding up on OUR account (we keep an "ours" account and our separate personal accounts). He acrues several debits per day, making it impossible for me to keep an accurate balance, causing me to look like the bad guy when I question whether he’s paid back the expenses which are clearly designated to be paid from our personal accounts so that we will be able cover the general budget issues (such as house note, insurance, electricity) with our account, the way it’s supposed to be. It's just aggravating!
Update: The card was replaced, and he has no charges to pay in regards to that one. But I'm still dealing with figuring out our situation since he used our joint account while his card was lost. And he gets angry at me for questioning his debits.
Here’s hoping no one plays any April fool’s day jokes on you!
Here’s hoping no one plays any April fool’s day jokes on you!
Click HERE to visit other Heads or Tails posts.
And thank you, Skittles, for hosting this great meme!