Monday, June 30, 2008
Give Me Five Monday
She says, "I have honestly been at a loss for topics for the GM5 meme for the past couple of weeks and therefore have not done any...Now I am opening the floor to you!" She asked that we offer suggestions on topics that are simple, general, thought-provoking, inquisitive, fun, and friendly. I'm going to give it a try:
My suggestions:
1. Five favorites (foods, colors, cartoon characters, songs, flowers, shopping websites, books, quotes). We've already done vacations, candy, and movies. (and probably some things I'm forgetting.)
2. Five tips and tricks (We've done saving money, job hunting, and organization/cleaning.) We could do time management, tips for learning something new, tips for anything that you think we would all like to do or need to do, or tips for a particular hobby that we each separately do so others may become interested in that hobby. We could do tips on how to deal with unfriendly people, or how to handle disagreements, or even tips on facing life's challenges.
3. Five new things: vocabulary words, colloquialisms from our part of the country, products we should try. I guess this is sort of like favorites.
4. Five events that happened the past week that surprised us, made us happy, taught us something new, or frightened us. We might need to know ahead of time to prepare for this.
5. Five blogs or blog posts about a certain topic (the topic coud be hobbies, faith, writing, self-employment, or whatever).
Becca, I don't know if this helps, but now I see your predicament. It's difficult thinking of topics!
Sunday, June 29, 2008

What a NIGHTMARE during my nap a couple of days ago, the day before my twins returned from their two week visit with their dad, and shortly after my husband and I returned from our trip to Arizona.! This one was so intricate, and it left me feeling haunted for the rest of the day.
I have written about crazy dreams/nightmares before, and I've written about recurring dreams before. I can't even begin to describe this dream in all its vividness, and I think if I described the entire dream, some of you might think I was seriously disturbed. Granted, you may already think that! LOL
Let me give you the gist. My husband and I along with my twins and oldest step-daughter and our dog, Rocky, were on vacation in Arizona. It didn't resemble the Arizona we just visited in real life, but it was Arizona in my dream. I don't know why the oldest step-daughter wasn't with us. Off somewhere with friends, probably.
My girl twin and I had gone off alone in a car to explore. I let her drive. SHE'S 12! We kept going up and down hills and through the casinos and resorts and around more curves than a roller coaster. The driveways of the hotels were actually part of the street. You couldn't go around them. At one point, the drive was actually part of a water ride. I took over driving, and Ang was supposed to be looking at some photos on the laptop. She fell asleep, and I reached over and pulled her hair hard, my tender-headed child, until she woke up. She told me she had lost $500 that morning when she was hanging out our hotel window. Someone had snatched it from her. Where did she get $500? She said it was her brother's money that he got from selling junk he didn't want anymore.
Neither of us could remember where we were staying, the name or location. (Maybe that's why I call myself Forgetfulone?) I would remember that in real life, though. We drove in the general direction. All of a sudden, we were on a motorcycle - yes - with the cell phone and computer with us, but the cell phone was losing power.
I'm going to leave out a lot of this. We ended up finding one place open, a smoky bar where only one person spoke English. She was supposed to help us get a phone book. That didn't work out, so we were back outside looking around (leaving out some scary stuff here, too). Anyway, I went in to plead with the girl at the bar to call 911. I thought Ang was right behind me. She wasn't. I went back outside only to find the computer smashed to the ground and my daughter gone.
Frantically I searched for her through narrow streets enclosed on two sides by rock walls. At one point, giant gopher-like animals were dropping ceramic bowls on the street below to break them. I found three cardboard boxes, and that's where I found my daughter, unharmed.
I'll leave out a bit more craziness and end this by saying we never found our way home before I woke up! Why couldn't I remember the name or location of the place where we were staying? Why didn't my husband try to call me? Wasn't he worried? Why was no one on the street or out and about, and how come no one could speak English? And who took Angela? How was I able to find her so easily, unharmed? And what's with the gophers and the ceramic bowls? And why was I letting a 12 year old drive in the first place? And how did we suddently go from a car to a motorcycle?
Oh, I left out so much because this dream was too vivid and too weird. Correction: NIGHTMARE. Thank God it wasn't real! Care to comment?
Book Giveaway
REPOST! Last chance to sign up for my book giveaway!

During the month of June, everyone who comments on this post will be entered into a drawing to win a brand new book! Live Your Best Life from the editors of "O," the Oprah magazine. That's right! All you have to do to win this book is leave a comment here no later than June 30th. On July 1, I'll use to choose the winner. Good luck!

And visit Overwhelmed with Joy for additional book giveaways.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Sunday Scrappin'

Won't you join us with your paper-related crafting? Visit Sunday Scrappin', hosted by the talented Amy, to get all the details and to see what other crafters are doing. It's easy! Post your ta-da's, your to-do's, share your challenge, if you participated, and link back to Sunday Scrappin'.
My Ta-Da's!
1. This was the page I had intended to use for the mono-chromatic challenge. It's my first layout of Cozumel pictures that I've been trying to finish for 2-3 weeks. It's finally done! I used a layout suggestion from 52 Sketches. I used three shades of blue card stock, my paper trimmer, CM round punch, CM wavy trimmer, CM journaling pens, and CM corner rounder. This one, I kept simple.
2. This is the page I intended to use for the "animal" challenge. It has mermaid and fish. It is a premade page I purchased from ebay a while back, so all I had to do was add photos and journaling. I prefer to design my own layouts, but sometimes I see one that is premade that I like, and it saves time when you are as far behind as I am.
3. I didn't get to the lace challenge from weeks ago or to this week's sparkly challenge. I was out of town for almost a week. I did take lots of photos while we were in Arizona, and I can't wait to scrap them.
My To-Do's!
1. Complete at least one 2-page layout for the Cozumel album.
2. Shop for some better adhesives and a new tape runner. Please feel free to recommend what works best for you.
3. Organize my stickers by type: travel, cruise, school, holidays, etc. Mine are in a PSB (paper sticker binder), but does anyone know a way of organizing stickers that is easier and more at your fingertips when you are scrapping? Are there any of you who continue to use stickers, or do you prefer to use other types of embellishments?
Also, does anyone have suggestions on storing embellishments, flowers, ribbons, etc. I have my brads in a case (probably meant to be a tackle box), and I am curious to find out other ways that people organize all of their embellishments together.
Next Week's Challenge, in honor of the July 4th holiday, is to create something patriotic. I think I can do that! Have a good week everyone!
Filed Under:
paper crafts,
sunday scrappin
Friday, June 27, 2008
IDLE Curiosity Killed the Cat

Do you take things for granted? Do you accept what someone says at face value? Or are you, like me, the kind of person who questions things, who wants to know things, who wonders how things work and why things are the way they are?
Curiosity is a blessing – and it can be a curse.
It is a blessing because being curious keeps your mind active instead of passive. It creates a sense of wonder among the more mundane aspects of our lives. Curiosity fosters growth, both personal and intellectual. The more curious you are, the more you strive to find answers, and the more you learn about yourself and explore the world around you.
For example, curiosity is a blessing when it encourages you to learn how something works, (a computer program, for example) or to develop alternatives to a problem (how to make a vehicle’s windshield unbreakable, for instance). Curiosity is good when it produces an invention that benefits humankind. Productive curiosity bolsters us to act on our genuine questions in ways that have positive outcomes. And even if we’re not solving all of life’s problems or inventing things ourselves, it produces a well-rounded individual who continues to learn, explore, grow, and discover.
It can also be a curse. Others can take your sense of curiosity as being too bold, not knowing your place, or being downright nosy. And sometimes, you will learn something you might have been better off not knowing.
For example, curiosity is a curse if you listen in on a private conversation, definitely not polite or discreet. You may learn something hurtful that you didn’t need to know. And in this case, you are curious for curiosity’s sake rather than out of a desire to learn from genuine questions. Idle curiosity does not create personal growth, just a desire to know the habits of your neighbors, for instance. Idle curiosity can occupy too much of your time with information that is of little or no consequence to your own intellectual development or the state of the world. (That's what happened to the cat.)
Genuine curiosity can bless our lives when we question the way things work, when we question how to improve a situation, or when we question to gain pure knowledge. Think of a child who is always asking, “How?” or “Why?” We have the ability to maintain that child-like, innocent curiosity to develop our minds and our lives. Pursuing a healthy level of curiosity in our lives is one key to living a productive, active, and fulfilling life.
Albert Einstein said, “The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.”
Curiosity is a blessing – and it can be a curse.
It is a blessing because being curious keeps your mind active instead of passive. It creates a sense of wonder among the more mundane aspects of our lives. Curiosity fosters growth, both personal and intellectual. The more curious you are, the more you strive to find answers, and the more you learn about yourself and explore the world around you.
For example, curiosity is a blessing when it encourages you to learn how something works, (a computer program, for example) or to develop alternatives to a problem (how to make a vehicle’s windshield unbreakable, for instance). Curiosity is good when it produces an invention that benefits humankind. Productive curiosity bolsters us to act on our genuine questions in ways that have positive outcomes. And even if we’re not solving all of life’s problems or inventing things ourselves, it produces a well-rounded individual who continues to learn, explore, grow, and discover.
It can also be a curse. Others can take your sense of curiosity as being too bold, not knowing your place, or being downright nosy. And sometimes, you will learn something you might have been better off not knowing.
For example, curiosity is a curse if you listen in on a private conversation, definitely not polite or discreet. You may learn something hurtful that you didn’t need to know. And in this case, you are curious for curiosity’s sake rather than out of a desire to learn from genuine questions. Idle curiosity does not create personal growth, just a desire to know the habits of your neighbors, for instance. Idle curiosity can occupy too much of your time with information that is of little or no consequence to your own intellectual development or the state of the world. (That's what happened to the cat.)
Genuine curiosity can bless our lives when we question the way things work, when we question how to improve a situation, or when we question to gain pure knowledge. Think of a child who is always asking, “How?” or “Why?” We have the ability to maintain that child-like, innocent curiosity to develop our minds and our lives. Pursuing a healthy level of curiosity in our lives is one key to living a productive, active, and fulfilling life.
Albert Einstein said, “The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.”
Friday's Feast

What is the weather like today where you live?
Today started out with sunshine but gave way to lightning and thunder storms in the afternoon. I was thankful. We need the rain, and it cooled our evening temperatures to be more pleasant.
On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being highest, how career-minded are you?
7? My career could move forward. I have a Master's Degree in education, so I could become a principal, but I'm not sure the time is right. My family and children are much more important to me to give up the amount of time necessary in exchange for the higher pay and aggravation.
What type of window coverings do you have in your home? Blinds, curtains, shutters, etc.?
Downstairs kitchen: Cafe curtains only. Dining room: sheers, curtains, valances. Living room: vertical blinds on all windows, curtains on two, and matching valances on three. Upstairs: All the rooms have blinds though they are not all the same type. We have valances that match our bed. The kids all have valances, sheers, or a combination of both over their blinds. Our shutters are only decorative on the outside of the house although I'd like to get shutters that are functional. My husband thinks it's time to change the window coverings in the living room.
Main Course
Name something that instantly cheers you up.
Instantly? Hugs from my twins. Probably nothing else.
How many times do you hit the snooze button on a typical morning?
Three or four. The snooze button is my friend.
Happy Feasting everyone! Click here to view more participants.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Thursday Thirteen #32

13 Things I Learned on my Fabulous Arizona Vacation
1. The Grand Canyon is an example of 6 million years of erosion and 4 geologic eras with 17 visible layers of earth.
2. The high altitude in the Grand Canyon (7,000-8,000 feet) can make it more difficult to breathe and easily cause fatigue, especially for people like me who live about 20 feet above sea level.
3. Over 4 million people visit The Grand Canyon each year. We hiked the south rim and Bright Angel (below the rim).
4. Approximately 250 people are rescued from the Canyon each year. The park charges a fee for rescue services, and fatigue is not considered an emergency.
5. A squirrel is a worthy opponent of the rattlesnake.

6. There are two ways down the Grand Canyon: your own two feet or a mule. Mules have the "right-of-way" on the trail. The mules detour from the hiking trail to cross the Colorado River. They will not cross the "silver" suspension bridge because they can see the Colorado River below. They cross at the "black" suspension bridge which has rubber mats so the mules can't see the river below them.
7. Sedona, Arizona is internationally known as a center of spiritual health and well-being. Among the spiritual offerings are yoga, vortex sites, healers, spas, retreats, intellectual tours, new age products, psychic readings, meditation, and life coaching. I had never heard of a "vortex" before I visited Sedona.
8. Of the 50 US states, Arizona has the larges percentage of land set aside for Native Americans, and the largest of that is the Navajo Nation.

9. Monument Valley Navajo Tribal Park is one of the most photographed places on earth. It's located a few miles across the Arizona/Utah border just off the "Forrest Gump road" ( the road where Forrest finally stopped running).

10. Route 66, the Mother Road, crosses 8 states, including Arizona. R66 officially disappeared from "official" road maps in 1984. The last town to be bypassed by the Interstate was Williams, Arizona, 60 miles south of the Grand Canyon.

11. The temperature in Phoenix last week reached 112 degrees Fahrenheit. People say, "It's a dry heat." Let me tell you this - it's still heat! Dry or humid, it's hotter than a witch's cauldron! Who needs a heated swimming pool in this kind of weather?
12. The Saguaro cactus is native to the Sonoran Desert (extreme southeastern California, southern Arizona and adjoining northwestern Mexico). The saguaro blossom is the state flower of Arizona.
13. Of the three hotels we stayed in, Howard Johnson's in Williams, Hampton Inn in Kayenta, and the Pointe Hilton Tapatia Cliffs, the Hilton had the most comfortable bed and gorgeous swimming pools but the WORST Internet service. Not only was it wired and slow, but it cost $12 a day! The other two hotels had free Wi Fi. Isn't that the way it should be?
Did you learn something? I sure did! Our trip to Arizona was one of the best vacations I've ever had.
Please visit the Thursday Thirteen homepage.
Filed Under:
thursday thirteen,
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
3 Word Wednesday

This is my second time to participate in 3 Word Wednesday. This week's words are frequent, open, and someday. Actually, these are LAST week's words, June 18. Maybe I'll try again with the words for the 25th. By the way, this is fiction.
Ages ago, we would frequent the department stores in the Galleria, my best friend and I. That was back when the “blue law” was in effect and stores were not open on Sunday. We’d spend hours on Saturday strolling through Neiman’s and Saks, trying on ridiculously expensive dresses and shoes. We always ended with lunch at The Magic Pan after we’d chosen the perfect ensemble, complete with accessories, striving for a bit of glamour in our lives. That was before reality: the husband, the job, four kids, the mortgage, and credit card bills. Now, we meet once a month for lunch at Chili’s or spend an afternoon walking the aisles of Target, if we’re lucky. Someday, if we work hard enough now, maybe we will have the opportunity to relive those glorious, carefree weekends.
For more 3 Word Wednesday, click here.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Line - Heads or Tails

The theme for today's Heads or Tails is LINE. This could be very similar to "waiting" which I wrote about last week, but something else keeps coming into my mind.
This line from the lyrics of Dream On (Aerosmith) constantly pops in my head as I think about my own lines.
"Everytime that I look in the mirror
All these lines on my face gettin' clearer"
Yes, I'm over 40, and the lines in my face are much more noticeable. It's not so bad, really, thanks to my parents who gave me decent genes in the skin department, but still...
My husband and I drove to Louisiana a couple of years ago to go to one of the casinos there, and we were having a conversation with one of the security guards. The subject of when to card and when not to card people came up, and he said something along these lines: "I could tell when you smiled." (meaning that the lines around my eyes made it obvious that I was well over the age limit) I really don't think he meant it as insulting as it sounds now, and he's right, but he didn't need to point that out! My husband thought it was about the dumbest thing you could say to a woman. Oh well. I'm over it.
Happy Heads or Tails everyone! Visit the homepage to see more, and don't forget to visit Skittle's Place.
P. S. Thanks, Penelope Anne, for the above graphic.
P. S. S. If I'd known how awful the picture below was going to look, I wouldn't have posted this video, but I had to have this song!
Turn up the volume and enjoy!
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Sunday Scrappin'
Won't you join us for Sunday Scrappin' hosted by Amy at Tiny Blessings? It's a place to share your love of scrapbooking, card-making, or any paper-related crafting.
My ta-da's for this week:
Digital Scrapbooking Pages! (Created using Smilebox)
Paper Organized in Acrylic 12 x 12 stackable trays!
My To-Do's for the Week!
Take pictures and video of the Grand Canyon for another new scrapbook!
Try to finish Cozumel layouts.
Maybe do one more digital layout.
This week's challenge was to include an animal or an animal print in your project. I didn't get this done this week, but I am ready for next week's challenge!
Friday, June 20, 2008
Photo Hunt

My third week.
The theme is Water.
This is a waterfall near Austin, TX.

See more photo hunt participants here.
Filed Under:
photo hunt,
Friday's Feast

Friday's Feast is hosted and created by the Chef, the lovely Susan. Visit the Friday's Feast home page to view more like this, and go visit the Chef's page... just because! She has a great blog.
Todays's FF is being brought to you via the open road. I'm in Arizona! Grand Canyon, here I come tomorrow!
If you could live on another continent for 1 year, which one would you choose?
Europe - so many varied lifestyles, so much history,
Which browser do you use to surf the Internet?
Internet Explorer, but one of our computers had Mozilla Firefox until the computer died.
On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being highest), how much do you know about the history of your country?
I'm certified to teach history, so I would guess a 7 or 8. There are probably many things I don't know. It is a big country after all.
Main Course
Finish this sentence: Love is…
Have you ever been in or near a tornado?
Near one when I was about 12. All I remember is the greenish tint of the sky and a sound similar to a train. We were not personally affected, thankfully. My heart goes out to the people being affected by floods and tornadoes right now.
Click the links above to see more Friday's Feast participants.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Thursday Thirteen #31

Welcome to my Thursday Thirteen edition of
“It’s Not Just for _________________ Anymore!”
I’ve been in technology workshops the last few days, and as I was “manipulating” an “image” and a “soundrack,” I realized there are so many words we use in these digital imaging and media programs that not too long ago had much more mundane associations.
1. Resolution – Not just for the New Year anymore!
The degree of sharpness of an image measured in pixels or dots-per-inch
2. Lasso – Not just for Cowboys anymore!
A precise selection tool in digital imaging programs

3. Eyedropper – Not just for Medicine anymore!
A tool used to repair red-eye in photos

4. Filter – Not just for Cigarettes anymore!
Used to apply special effects to an image
5. Layers – Not just a Hairstyle anymore!
Stacked portions of an edited image
6. Merge – Not just for Traffic anymore!
Combining layers to reduce file size
7. Marquee’ – Not just for Movie Theaters anymore!
Another selection tool in digital imaging programs
8. Magic Wand – Not just for Magicians anymore!
Used to select certain colors in an image
9. Menu – Not just for Restaurants anymore!
A list of options available in a program
10. Feather – Not just for 70’s Hairstyles anymore!
Creates a soft edge on an image
I’ve been in technology workshops the last few days, and as I was “manipulating” an “image” and a “soundrack,” I realized there are so many words we use in these digital imaging and media programs that not too long ago had much more mundane associations.
1. Resolution – Not just for the New Year anymore!
The degree of sharpness of an image measured in pixels or dots-per-inch
2. Lasso – Not just for Cowboys anymore!
A precise selection tool in digital imaging programs

3. Eyedropper – Not just for Medicine anymore!
A tool used to repair red-eye in photos

4. Filter – Not just for Cigarettes anymore!
Used to apply special effects to an image
5. Layers – Not just a Hairstyle anymore!
Stacked portions of an edited image
6. Merge – Not just for Traffic anymore!
Combining layers to reduce file size

Another selection tool in digital imaging programs
8. Magic Wand – Not just for Magicians anymore!
Used to select certain colors in an image
9. Menu – Not just for Restaurants anymore!
A list of options available in a program
10. Feather – Not just for 70’s Hairstyles anymore!
Creates a soft edge on an image

Yet another selection tool for digital imaging

12. Level – Not just for Carpenters anymore!
Used to straighten an image
13. Cookie Cutter – Not just for Baking anymore!
Used to crop a shape into an image
Oh, yes, there are so many more! Crop, gradient, borders, and so on. But this IS Thursday Thirteen. Hope you enjoyed this!
Visit the Thursday Thirteen homepage.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Wordless Wednesday
Click here for more WW!
Filed Under:
Wordless Wednesday
Monday, June 16, 2008
Hurry Up and Wait!

This week's Heads or Tails theme is WAIT *or* WEIGHT. I don't want to think about my WEIGHT!
When was the last time you waited in line? Was it at a restaurant? The bank? The post office? How about the dreaded airport security line? At a department store? The doctor's office?
How much time do we spend waiting at traffic signals, or worse yet, in traffic? Wiki Answers reports that the average person spends 3 minutes and 18 seconds waiting at each red traffic light. I work close to home because I detest waiting in traffic! Houston has the fifth worst traffic problem in the US according to American Public Media Talk. Witness this:
When was the last time you waited in line? Was it at a restaurant? The bank? The post office? How about the dreaded airport security line? At a department store? The doctor's office?
How much time do we spend waiting at traffic signals, or worse yet, in traffic? Wiki Answers reports that the average person spends 3 minutes and 18 seconds waiting at each red traffic light. I work close to home because I detest waiting in traffic! Houston has the fifth worst traffic problem in the US according to American Public Media Talk. Witness this:

What about waiting in line to use the facilities at an entertainment venue? Waiting for a website to load? (Well, not so much anymore with high-speed Internet, thank goodness!)
It seems we spend a lot of time waiting... waiting... waiting. Google Answers states that we spend 45 to 62 minutes waiting for something every single day! That's a whole hour of "awake" time!
I find that I am much more impatient with waiting the older I get. I think I've spent enough time waiting already. And wasting time isn't something I do well. So, next time I'm in line, instead of feeling unproductive, I'm going to try one of eHow's ten tips on how to be useful during the time I "Hurry Up and Wait!"
It seems we spend a lot of time waiting... waiting... waiting. Google Answers states that we spend 45 to 62 minutes waiting for something every single day! That's a whole hour of "awake" time!
I find that I am much more impatient with waiting the older I get. I think I've spent enough time waiting already. And wasting time isn't something I do well. So, next time I'm in line, instead of feeling unproductive, I'm going to try one of eHow's ten tips on how to be useful during the time I "Hurry Up and Wait!"
[Author's note: I realize there are many things in life worth waiting for. I'm just impatient with those that aren't worthy of a wait.]
Check out more Heads or Tails! And don't forget to visit our lovely hostess AT Skittles Place.
Check out more Heads or Tails! And don't forget to visit our lovely hostess AT Skittles Place.
Filed Under:
daily life,
heads or tails,
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Another Party
My Daughter's Twelfth Birthday Party.
I continue to experience the many joys of having twins - another birthday party within the same week! If you didn't see the pix I posted of my son's baseball-themed party, click HERE to go to that post.
My daughter had her party Saturday night, complete with games, giggles, gifts, and great fun! She wanted a sleepover party, so I had to come up with lots of activities to keep them busy in order to avoid the almost-inevitable hurt feelings/tears/drama of 12 year olds. I'm happy to say it worked, and we had an awesome time! I don't think anyone felt left out at any time, and the only tears were those of my daughter when she thought her friend lost her shoe... I'm not going to go into any particulars about this part, but let's just say I'm glad we didn't get caught!
We did have a run-in with the police. We were playing truth-or-dare (more about that in a minute), and one of the girls had to shout, "I'm a nerd" at three passing cars. Wouldn't you know it? The third car that just happened to be going by was a police car. The girls ran back to the house, and I sheepishly explained what we were doing and assured him all was well. He was actually very nice about it.
Just a tip if you ever have a party where the kids will be doing games in teams... Change the teams every time you change the game and make them draw numbers for teams. This was a lifesaver. The girls didn't fall into cliques or gossip about each other or make anyone feel left out.
Here's what we did:
The girls signed a poster for my daughter as they arrived.
Two Truths and a Lie - We did this while we ate pizza.
A scavenger hunt in teams while it was still daylight.
The candy name game - they thought this was hard! We played a scaled down version of the one in the link.
The toothpick game - they were quiet for almost three minutes!
Song Charades - I had "regular" songs and baby songs to choose from. Team game.
Of course, we ate cake and ice cream! This is one of the cakes - the one we DIDN'T eat because they thought it was too cute, and NO, I didn't make this myself!
Pass the Gift game.
Drama in a bag (just for fun) in teams. They like to write skits. The bag had props they had to use in their performance.
Truth or Dare with pre-selected questions and activities.
Pajama Contest.

And they also made bath salts and cute flip-flops (see them in the picture above?) and talked and sang and laughed.
And they also made bath salts and cute flip-flops (see them in the picture above?) and talked and sang and laughed.
Throughout the night they could earn "money" which they spent at an "auction" for inexpensive prizes like candy, gum, nail polish, journals, and so on.
We ended with a movie, and they fell asleep.
I need to recuperate now! I'm getting too old for this!
(I got lots of ideas at the links above and at Birthday Party Ideas 4 Kids.)
Froggy Reviews Week of Giveaways

I found a new-to-me website through 5 Minutes for Mom called Froggy Reviews. It's run by a mom of six boys - Wow! I'm already impressed. Six boys AND a website? Froggy Reviews offers product information, online resources, shopping, book and movie reviews, and more.
This week, June 16-23, they are hosting a week-long giveaway event as a way to kick off the summer. Won't you join me in participating?
This week, June 16-23, they are hosting a week-long giveaway event as a way to kick off the summer. Won't you join me in participating?
Friday, June 13, 2008
Friday's Feast

It's Friday - Time to Feast. Click here to visit the Friday Feast home page.
Do you consider yourself to be an optimist or a pessimist?
Unfortunately, I'm a Murphy's Law kind of person. If it can go wrong, it will go wrong, so I try to prevent things from going wrong, and to do that, I have to look at the bad side where all the possiblities are. I tend to see the glass half empty. I'm trying hard to change that.
What is your favorite color of ink to write with?
Usually, a gel ink black pen, but also a regular Bic, medium point pen.
How often do you get a manicure or pedicure? Do you do them yourself or go to a salon and pay for them?
Not often enough. If I have one, it's usually at home. I may get one at a salon about once a year. Boy, things change. I used to get one every two weeks back in the day!
Main Course
Have you ever won anything online? If so, what was it?
Easy question. Yes! My husband! But I've also won books, scrapbooking stickers, and event tickets to see Sweeney Todd off broadway (which I haven't actually received yet - one of my step-daughters really wants to go see this).
In which room in your house do you keep your home computer?
Our main computer is in the living room, but not really in it, and I know that makes no sense. Trust me. We have another in the kitchen that used to be in my room. Now I have a laptop, and I can use it in any room in the house.
Thanks for visiting my feast! Click here to visit more.
Filed Under:
Friday's feast,
fun meme,
random questions
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Thursday Thirteen #30

First Base - Pizza, games, and presents at home.
Second Base - Astros Game!!!!!
Third Base - Cake and Ice Cream at Home
and the other side says "play ball."
The big birthday cake. We also had ice cream and root beer floats.
This is actually the sign from the stadium when the Astros got a home run. The last phase of our party, obviously, was home run. The boys had to go home because it's a work night.
My son got his name in lights on the big screen, albeit for about ten seconds, but he thought it was cool, and so did his friends!
For more Thursday Thirteen, click here!
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thursday thirteen
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