Journal Buddies takes the diary concept and makes it interactive. The journal starts with an introduction to the concept of journaling as well as examples, ideas, and reasons why people journal. Each journaling section has a place where a buddy can record qualities she admires in the writer, and a place for the writer to do the same. Each journaling entry has a prompt such as "beauty" or "confident," or "amazing." The author concludes with a section for reflection of the journal entries. The process of completing the journal is an adventure! It a great confidence-booster and a place to examine a girl's own thoughts and beliefs. I even got some great ideas to use in my classroom with girls and boys.
The Dove Foundation's review of Journal Buddies states that it is "a very creative way to help encourage self esteem in young girls. It is so important in this day and age tohelp children with their self-image. This delightful ingenious journal will show them a way to capture their imagination, ideas and thoughts and share them withothers. Giving the diary concept a different look. This is a perfect gift for young girls." Journal Buddies interactive journaling systems are winners of the 2008 Mom's Choice Awards.
Journal Buddies: A Girl's Journal for Sharing and Celebrating Magnificence can be purchased
from Amazon.com for 16.95. And, they have one for boys, too, called Journal Buddies: A Boy's Journal for Discovering and Sharing Excellence. Amazon also has the "look inside" feature enabled on these two books so you can take a look before you purchase them.

This post was written on behalf of Family Review Network and Journal Buddies.
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maybe I should get one I could use some self esteem building.