Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Teaser Tuesdays

* Grab your current read,
* Open to a random page
* Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page.
(Make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!),
Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teaser!

Nefertiti by Michelle Moran
Page 210
"And before the Elder was even cold in his tomb, Akhenaten and Nefertiti knelt before the alter that had once been Amun's, and Panahesi annointed them Pharaoh and Queen of all Egypt. I sat in the first row in lapis and gold, and while choirs of boys raised their sweet voices to the sun, all across Thebes Pharaoh's army defaced images of our greatest gods."
I didn't think I would enjoy this book much (I'm reading it for a book club, and I didn't select it), but I am thoroughly enjoying this! Drama, romance, betrayal, history. It's got it all!
Monday, March 29, 2010
Monday Movie Meme

Sunday, March 28, 2010
It's Just My Opinion

My rating: 2 of 5 stars
This book was not at all like I expected. The librarian at my school highly recommended it. She said the descriptions of the main character's "heaven" were wonderful, but I didn't see any writing that struck me as wonderful, powerful, or even clear. Overall, I thought the entire novel was bland. The book jacket states that Susie, the main character, tries to reach her father (from the other side) to help solve her own murder, but that isn't what the book is about. I don't want to include any spoilers, but it is sufficient to say that the book was only "okay" in my opinion. My daughter wanted to read it, but there are two scenes which I feel are inappropriate. I'm not too worried about her reading it, though. I have a feeling she'd be bored with it in the first 30 pages. I'm happy to be moving on to some new reading material.
View all my reviews >>
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Camera Critters

I have to post two pictures of this duck. It's the same duck in both pix, but I can't tell if I think he looks like he has an Afro or an Elvis 'do! I've never seen a duck like this anywhere else before. This was at Brackenridge Park in San Antonio over spring break.

Come visit Camera Critters!Friday, March 26, 2010
Friday Fill-ins we go!
1. The right word is sometimes difficult to find.
2. Go to your room and shut the door quietly, please.
3. Up , up and away in my beautiful balloon!
4. If I have my way, sleeping in my bed is where you'll find me.
5. Ooh! What is that ugly thing?
6. Giving lots of thought to a major purchase is a good idea.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to a couple's bridal shower, tomorrow my plans include driving to San Marcos to watch a winterguard competition and staying overnight in the hill country and Sunday, I want to go to the outlet mall or Aquarena Springs, or both.
Have a great weekend! And don't forget to visit my giveaways listed at the top.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Thursday 13

My original destinations T13 was a list of places I've been to in Texas. The second was a list of places I've enjoyed visiting outside of Texas. The third in the series listed destinations I would like to visit someday. This fourth post on destinations is about places I would like to go in order to meet some of my online blogging friends. They could also show me around their beautiful cities: history, art, museums, architecture, culture. Wouldn't that be fun?
So, in no particular order, I would like to visit...
1. Indonesia - to meet Latree. She is the inspiration for this post. Latree said she has beautiful temples I would enjoy seeing. Plus, I would love to meet her daughter and twin boys.
2. Long Island, New York - I'd love to meet my friend Lucy and have her style my hair. Then she could take me for Italian food (or cook it, even!).
3. Connecticut - to meet Tammy. I would take her out for a night on the town and we would laugh ourselves silly!
4. Michigan - to meet Skittles! We would stay in pajamas all day playing computer games, and if she was up to it, I'd take her out for some sugar-free ice cream.
5. California - to meet Tamy, but I may not have to because she may be moving pretty close to me soon! We could swap cleaning tips and she's promised to cook a meal for me. Maybe we'll even catch a movie together.
6.Apple Valley, California - to meet Jennifer. We'd talk about books since we both love to read. And probably Facebook games, too.
7. Memphis, Tennessee - to meet Calico and Grandma - They could show me Graceland. And we'd have a great time talking about family, books, and writing.
8. Idaho Falls - to meet Eve - We'd also talk about books. And we'd gossip about our families.
9. Somewhere in the "country" part of Texas - to meet Rachel Anne. I could pick her brain about organizational tools and decorating, and we'd have a nice visit.
10. Spartanburg, SC - to meet Jenn - we're both moms, and I think we'd get along just fine and have lots to talk about.
11. Oshkosh, WI - to meet Penelope Anne - we could shop at the Oshkosh b'gosh store! We'd chat and laugh, too.
12. Australia - to meet Melanie - Boy would it be great to see her create her scrapbook pages in person, and I'd love to meet her family.
13. Canada - to meet twin moms Susan and Janice - I would love to know how they got their start in building such a successful blog and business.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Wordless Wednesday
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Teaser Tuesdays

* Grab your current read,
* Open to a random page
* Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page.
(Make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!),
Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!

Dead Time by Stephen White
Page 115
"Is she dead?"
"She may be dead. She may not be."
I chewed on the sparse details for a moment before I said, "Why don't you call the people we know in Boulder yourself? Why do you want me to do it?"
I can't wait to read this!
Monday, March 22, 2010
Hippity Hoppity Giveaway! Peter Cottontail DVD
Sibabe64 is the winner! Thanks for entering!
Here's a great DVD for your little ones this Easter! (My step-son's twins, age 2 1/2, are going to love this!) Here Comes Peter Cottontail, the original TV Classic, has been digitally remastered and has a run time of about 50 minutes.. You'll probably hear some voices you recognize such as Vincent Price, Casey Kasem, and Danny Kaye and your kids will dance to the upbeat songs.
Synopsis: Peter Cottontail wants to be the #1 Chief Easter Bunny , and everyone in April Valley agrees... except for (du, du, duuuuuuuum!) evil Irontail, his archrival. Can Easter be saved?
Here Comes Peter Cottontail is avilable wherever DVD's are sold - suggested retail price $9.93. iTunes has it available to download for $7.99.
I have one copy to give away FREE! All you have to do to enter is leave a comment on this post. Please make sure I have a way to contact you via email if you are the winner.
Extra entries: (leave a separate comment for each entry.)
*subscribe to my blog in a feed reader. Let me know which feed reader you use.
*follow me with Google Connect
*Tweet this giveaway (include the link in your comments) This entry can be done daily until the contest ends, but please leave a comment each time.
*Post about this giveaway on your blog. Please leave your link in your comments.
Deadline to enter is 11:59 CST March 27, 2010. Again, only US & Canadian entries, please.
This post was written for Family Review Network as part of a program with The Morris + King Company who supplied the product for review. All opinions are soley mine.

Synopsis: Peter Cottontail wants to be the #1 Chief Easter Bunny , and everyone in April Valley agrees... except for (du, du, duuuuuuuum!) evil Irontail, his archrival. Can Easter be saved?
Here Comes Peter Cottontail is avilable wherever DVD's are sold - suggested retail price $9.93. iTunes has it available to download for $7.99.
I have one copy to give away FREE! All you have to do to enter is leave a comment on this post. Please make sure I have a way to contact you via email if you are the winner.
Extra entries: (leave a separate comment for each entry.)
*subscribe to my blog in a feed reader. Let me know which feed reader you use.
*follow me with Google Connect
*Tweet this giveaway (include the link in your comments) This entry can be done daily until the contest ends, but please leave a comment each time.
*Post about this giveaway on your blog. Please leave your link in your comments.
Deadline to enter is 11:59 CST March 27, 2010. Again, only US & Canadian entries, please.
This post was written for Family Review Network as part of a program with The Morris + King Company who supplied the product for review. All opinions are soley mine.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Dove Men + Care
Sibabe64 is the winner! Congratulations!
My husband and son received a package of new Dove Men + Care products. Included were body and face wash, two bars of soap, and an Active Clean Dual Sided Shower Tool.
After using the body and face wash, my son said, "It smelled nice. I used it on my face and body. I even smelled it as I was getting in the car to go to school." I asked him if he felt clean after using it, and he said, "Of course!"
My husband used the bar soap. He said he liked it and the scent was "mild." That's a good thing, since so many of the men's products tend to be heavy on the fragrance. He also said it lathered nice and left him feeling clean.
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After using the body and face wash, my son said, "It smelled nice. I used it on my face and body. I even smelled it as I was getting in the car to go to school." I asked him if he felt clean after using it, and he said, "Of course!"
My husband used the bar soap. He said he liked it and the scent was "mild." That's a good thing, since so many of the men's products tend to be heavy on the fragrance. He also said it lathered nice and left him feeling clean.
I loved the fragrance, and if it gets my boys clean, great! And I'm really impressed that Dove is addressing the fact that men need to be comfortable in their skin, too! The Dove Men + Care line will cleanse, refresh, and moisturize the skin. You can get a $1 coupon here.
You can also celebrate your men's unsung moments with a story, photo, or video, and a chance to win a backyard makeover just in time for spring! Check it out here.
Giveaway! One winner will receive Dove Men + Care products, the company's selection. All you have to do to enter is leave a comment on this post. Please make sure I have a way to contact you via email if you are the winner.
Extra entries: (leave a separate comment for each entry.)
*subscribe to my blog in a feed reader. Let me know which feed reader you use.
*follow me with Google Connect
*Tweet this giveaway (include the link in your comments) This entry can be done daily until the contest ends, but please leave a comment each time.
*Post about this giveaway on your blog. Please leave your link in your comments.
Deadline to enter is 11:59 CST March 27, 2010. Again, only US entries, please.
This post was written for Family Review Network as part of a program for Dove Men + Care who supplied the product for review. All opinions are completely mine and my family's.

Saturday, March 20, 2010
Sunday Scrappin'

The (optional) challenge was to share our craft space. Since I'm in a bit of a "temporary" situation right now, I don't have a whole room set up for my supplies, but I do have them organized in this hodge-podge of containers. I have everything I need right here. Can't wait to get into a more permanent location so I can set up my scrap room again.
Have a scrappy week!
Friday, March 19, 2010
Camera Critters
Visit Camera Critters for some terrific photos!
Flamingos at the San Antonio Zoo.
photo copyright DLA/Forgetfulone 2010.Thursday, March 18, 2010
Thursday 13

1. New York, NY - Statue of Liberty, shows, lights, Central Park, Ground Zero, and other points of interest. I hope I get to visit someday.
2. Charleston, SC - History and beaches!
3. Memphis, TN - Graceland, museums, and scenery.
4. Ontario, Canada - I'd like to go to Niagara Falls.
5. London, England - Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, museums, and castles!
6. Rome, Italy - The Ancient Colosseum, The Pantheon, Vatican City, The Sistine Chapel, oh, and the food! Italy! It's gotta be the best food in the world!
7. Hawaii (any island!) - Beaches, museums, volcanoes, and beautiful scenery.
8. Paris, France - The Louvre, the Eiffel Tower, and the food!
9. Amsterdam, Holland - I would love to visit Anne Frank's Secret Annexe.
10. Cabo San Lucas, Mexico - Swimming, snorkeling, and scenery.
11. Ocho Rios, Jamaica - or maybe Montego Bay. What else except beaches?
12. Anchorage, Alaska - Mt. McKinley, whale watching, and air taxis to watch grizzly bears.
13. Sydney, Australia - Sydney Harbour, Bondi Beach, Taronga Zoo, and much more.
Visit more Thursday 13 here!
9. Amsterdam, Holland - I would love to visit Anne Frank's Secret Annexe.
10. Cabo San Lucas, Mexico - Swimming, snorkeling, and scenery.
11. Ocho Rios, Jamaica - or maybe Montego Bay. What else except beaches?
12. Anchorage, Alaska - Mt. McKinley, whale watching, and air taxis to watch grizzly bears.
13. Sydney, Australia - Sydney Harbour, Bondi Beach, Taronga Zoo, and much more.
Visit more Thursday 13 here!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Wordless Wednesday
Check out more Wordless Wednesday.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
You Know You're Getting Old...
When the doctor says you need bi-focals! There went 7 1/2 years of good vision with Lasik. Oh well. It was bound to happen. And Lasik was still the best money I ever spent!
Monday, March 15, 2010
Monday Movie Meme

The Bumbles Blog is the place to be for the Feature Presentation: Monday Movie Meme. This week, they ask us to write about "date night" movies. Share on your blog your best or worst movie date, movies featuring movie dates, or how you use movies for dates these days.
The most recent movie I saw for "date night" was Valentine's Day. I thoroughly enjoyed it! It's a story about various couples and singles and how they celebrate (or don't celebrate) Valentine's Day. There's a little drama, lots of great "names" in the movie, some humor, and a little romance. Great combination, in my opinion. I plan to see it again when it comes out on DVD.
The worst movie I ever saw on "date night" was The People Under the Stairs, a Wes Craven film (1991). The main character is driven by rotten circumstances to help his sister's boyfriend rob his landlord's house to steal a valuable coin. They get in, but they can't get out, and while they are there, they discover the children being held hostage "under the stairs."
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Sunday Scrappin'

Saturday, March 13, 2010
Mamarazzi's Favorite Things Swap

I received 2 sets of cute stickers, a hair clip, organic shampoo and conditioner (just the right size for the vacation I am taking this week), Burts Bees lotion, darling socks, healthy snacks (fruit leather), pretty pink polish for my toes and a toe separator, dark chocolate/coconut bar, and cute blank note cards. Thank you so much LaVonne!
Here is what I sent her:
Womans Day magazine, Paper Craft Magazine, Coloful Pens, Journal, Bath & Body Works shower gel, jar candle, a box of Jello Cheesecake mix, Hershey's Dark Chocolate candy bar, A Package of three Trident gums, and a bath pillow.
And here is her post showing the gifts I sent. Don't you just love good mail?
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