First up is Get Along Home. Cindy, a Christian home-schooling mom, writes this very friendly blog. One thing I really like about her blog is she sometimes posts a list of blog contests. She does the "running around" so her readers can enter for great prizes. She hosts her own giveaways, too, but she also writes about her life.
Another new blog for me is Sugar and Spice and Frugal Advice. Barbie and Joelle are moms who love a good deal and share their finds with their readers as well as fun crafts, recipes, and a slice of life.
Third, I want to mention SandwichINK. This blog is for anyone, but especially the "sandwich" generation, those who are "sandwiched" between elderly parents, children, and sometimes grandchildren. You'll find articles, research, praise, and encouragement. I hope you check it out.
Thanks, Susan and Janice, for once again hosting a fabulous party! I didn't get to visit near as many blogs as I wish I had time for (there are only so many hours in a day), but I'm certainly happy I found a few new friends.
Thanks so much for the mention! This blog party has been a lot of fun, and I can't wait to see what kind of friendships happen. Happy blogging!`