Tuesday, April 13, 2010


This post was written for Sunday Scribblings (yes, I know it's not Sunday, but I swear they posted the prompt late). And ironically, the prompt is "deadlines."

As a teacher, I am accustommed to deadlines. I actually work better with a deadline. I'm a planner by nature, so deadlines don't cause me anxiety. In fact, I'm such a planner that buying and using calendars and datebooks makes me down-right giddy!

I can break down my job into steps, plan a timeline, and complete my project in plenty of time to meet my deadline. In addition to planning, I have the self-discipline to stick to my plan. I might veer off my timeline just a little bit (for example, if there is virtual farming to do! LOL), but a little flexibility in your plan makes up for those Facebook "emergencies."

One thing I have a difficult time dealing with is someone who procrastinates to the point that they are completing a project or job shortly before the deadline, or those that miss it altogether. That drives me crazy! When I have a deadline, I usually just want to get started and cross that finish line.

So, that's my analogy. A deadline is the finishing line of a race. Others may see a deadline as a dark cloud looming over them, but deadlines don't scare me!


  1. I must admit to being a planner/organizer also....thanks for stopping by...I hope she isn't also!

  2. I love buying those things but I am afraid that I would be the one who drives you bananas. I'm terrible. It's very hard for me to organize, even with Flylady.


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