Hi. I'm here again to share a favorite website with you, and I'd love it if you'd share one with me. You could leave it in a comment, or you could take my blog button (which is actually a photo of my lap top), post on your blog, and leave the link in a comment so I can visit you ( and I will! ).
Today's Website is Rotten Tomatoes. What a great site if you want to see a movie or get information about the entertainment industry! On the left of the home screen, you'll see movies that are tops at the box office, opening this week, and coming soon. You can read reviews, watch trailers, and see which DVD's were rented the most in a given time period.
There are also news, information, and photo galleries available about the entertainment industry.
You do not have to be a member of their community to use their site, but in order to use all the features of the community page, you must register. "Join for free to view profiles, connect with others, write reviews, rate movies, write comments, blog, create lists, create and join groups and participate in scintillating forum discussions!"
Doesn't it sound like fun?
Rotten Tomatoes did not pay me a penny for this promotion, but I sure wish they would!
I haven't spend much time on Rotten Tomatoes as I usually use Internet Movie Database for my movie information but I am off to have a look at RT. Thanks.