This week's Thursday 13 will help you get to know me better. This post is brought to you by the letter "T."
1. Texas - I have lived in the Lone Star State all my

life and can't see ever moving from here, even though the summers get unbearably hot!
2. Twins - I have boy/girl twins who are 14, freshmen in high school this year. We're in our fourth week of school, and I still can't believe it!
3. Turkey - I take a turkey sandwich for lunch most days, and I'm tired of it! But I do like to make turkey and dressing at Thanksgiving.
4. Telephone - We don't have one, as in a land-line. My husband decided a couple of years ago that we didn't need a telephone anymore since we all have cell phones. He was right!

5. Tinkle - my children hate when I say this word meaning that I have to go to the bathroom. I don't know why they hate it. It's so much better than the alternatives.
6. Teacher - I've been teaching for 21 years. I like it, but I'm ready to retire. Unfortunately, that won't happen for a while.
7. Technology - I love technology as long as the technology works! I have used the following things in my classroom: laptop computers, internet, discussion boards, projector, presentations, Elmo, SmartBoard, and computer labs. I'm hoping to learn about more and more techie things to do with my students.
8. Tap - When I was younger, I could tap dance. I took dance for about ten years.
9. Tea - I prefer to sweeten it myself. The sweet tea at McDonal's is way too sweet, and tea out of a can isn't tea. I prefer to let it seep myself.

10. Truth - The truth is extremely important to me. I can't stand liars.
11. Tennies - I prefer my tennie shoes to everything else. My feel get so cold when I wear sandals or flip-flops.
12. Television - My favorite shows had their season finales: Lost and 24. I will be watching less TV this fall.
13. Tired - I'm tired. So tired. Almost all the time!

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