What a sweet surprise! I've received this adorable Stylish Blogger from one of my newer bloggy friends, Jolene. Her blog is called With a Little Help From My Friends, and I'm really enjoying it. She's down-to-earth, and I think she's the sort of person who I'd be friends with in person. She's got a large, BEAUTIFUL family and likes to read, garden, and dance. She also has poems, recipes, and photos. Check her out!
I'm supposed to do this:
1. Link back to the person who gave me this award.
2. List 7 things my readers may not know about me.
3. Share the love with 6 other bloggers I enjoy.
You can read my 7 things here if you're interested.
I'm going to share the love with all of my readers. Yes, I cheat! But I love ALL of the blogs I read. Seriously, I do! Consider yourself awarded if you're reading this.
Cute - Congratulations!