It's time to bare my soul...
I confess...
I said I was NOT going to watch the "Royal Wedding." I said I didn't care about anything involved in that at all. I was tired of all the hype. Why is there still royalty in the world, anyway? Silly!
But... I'm going to admit it... Wait for it... Okay... Now...Yes, I'm confessing that my DVR is set to record the whole thing, and I will be watching, particularly to see Westminster Abbey and Kate's dress. I have to admit I'm curious.
I confess...
I've gotten really frustrated twice this week when a couple of alarms failed to wake anyone up except for me. I don't have to get up as early as a few of the other people in the house, but I had to get up two days in a row to ask them to please turn their alarms off. Then, I couldn't go back to sleep!
And I confess...
I haven't made any progress on our daughter's scrapbook album this week. It's a graduation present, and I only have about six weeks to finish it, but it's so hard to get motivated when the computer is right here calling my name. Whew! That was a big confession!
Come link up with Mamarazzi and Glamazon. Confession is good for the soul!