Thursday, March 01, 2012

Friday Confessional

I'm hoping that "confessing" is going to help me feel better.  Why don't you link up with Mamarazzi?   They say confession is good for the soul.  I sure hope so!
I confess...
I've been in a bad mood lately... for a lot of reasons.  Add two more -stomach troubles and removing part of this post.

I confess...
I'm sick of politics!

I confess...

It bothers me when my 19 year old step-daughter stays out too late and we don't really know where she is.  Her dad argues that she's an adult, which is true, but I wasn't living at home when I was her age, and I guess that's why it bothers me.  The "my-daughter-is-out-late-doing-goodness-knows-what" scenarios go through my head.

I confess...
I'm worried about my mom who might have another type of cancer.  She's already been through lung cancer and breast cancer, not to mention knee replacement and a broken arm, and now they have found a tumor in a different part of her body.  Do we all have enough strength to get through this?

I confess...

I'm worried about my friend who has also been through cancer (ovarian). There was a suspicious area on her last mammogram, and I pray it's not cancer.

I confess...
I REMOVED this part.
I confess...

I am so ashamed to be a member of the teaching profession with all that is going on lately in public education.  Teachers having sex with students... disgusting!  Makes us all look bad.

And I confess...

The school shooting in Ohio earlier this week, and the "hit list" and "shooting threat" at a local high school, also this week, scare the heck out of me!

Hoping there are some better things to share next week.


  1. i could only imagine going into the classroom everyday and not thinking about the shootings.

    prayers going up for your friend, scary.

    i know what you mean about your daughter and the what if scenarios. i was out of the house at that age too, i think that made it easier on my parents...maybe it is time for her to move out?...or get a curfew?

    fab confessions...i hope you feel better!

  2. stopping by from Mamarazzi's sending prayer's your way for your mom

  3. Your family and your friend are in my prayers.

  4. I agree with you about teachers and students; that's just a line you d not cross.

  5. My thoughts are with you mom. Hoping everything works out for the best.

  6. I will keep your mom and your family in my prayers.

    It is scary for me to send my son to school...we live in a small town, but that doesn't matter, shootings happen anywhere!

  7. So many challenges - praying for your Mom and friend.

    I try to imagine how stressful it would be to know everything else going on in education these days - with the bad stuff splashed about on the news. Most of us know that most of you are heroes though. :)

  8. Wow, it sounds like a lot of stress on your plate lately! I hope it gets better for you. I'm so sick of politics also, and my husband is in it 24/7 so I want to literally yank my hair out all of the day that he rambles on about it.

    I hope your mom and your friend will be ok. Will be praying for you.

  9. Hope 'confessing' helped even a little bit- sounds like you've a lot going on at the moment.
    Your mum and friend will be in my prayers; I hope everything works out for them both.
    And I know exactly what you mean about being given a bad name- jusst because one person does it doesn't mean you'll all do it! Take care :)

  10. When I signed my teaching contract, I had to initial beside the line where it said how much life isurance my husband would get should I die on campus due to violence. When I heard about the Ohio shooting it was the first thought in my head. It's very scary.
    Prayers for your mom and friend-I hope everything turns out well.

    Stopping by from Mamarazzi!

  11. That is so horrible to hear of teachers having sex with students, and even worse the shootings and threats going on at schools!

    I wish I had some good advice or something helpful to say when it comes to your step-daughter.. That has got to be awful thinking of all the scenarios that could be happening!

    Your mom and friend are both in my prayers. I can only imagine how hard it is to have to go through that, hopefully it ends up being nothing serious.

    I really hope that you have a better week and that everything turns out ok.

  12. Stopping by from Mamarazzi's link party.

    I really hope things go better for you this next week. I could not imagine going to school daily and dealing with those situations.

  13. I'm with you on the whole being bothered by your step-daughter thing. I totally think that no matter what age you are when you live with someone it is common courtesy to let them know when they will be home. I mean really would it kill her to just give a heads-up?

    I am so sorry to hear about your mom. She will be in my prayers.

    Uggghh the whole teachers having sex with student things are freaking unbelieveable to me. How does one in an authority position allow themselves to stray from their duties & obligations. I think that people know that there are way more amazing good- valued teachers out there then the gross immoral ones. You have a tough job & I for one am SO THANKFUL for good ones like you!!!

  14. Oh dear! What a list! I used to teach high school and am so glad I don't. I just prayed for your mom with cancer and your friend. I pray that God blesses you!

  15. I confess that some times I became a monster and frighten my own baby :(


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