Musing Mondays is a weekly meme that asks you to choose one of the following prompts to answer:
- I’m currently reading…
- Up next I think I’ll read…
- I bought the following book(s) in the past week…
- I’m super excited to tell you about (book/author/bookish-news)…
- I’m really upset by (book/author/bookish-news)…
- I can’t wait to get a copy of…
- I wish I could read ___, but…
- I blogged about ____ this past week…

My rating: 2 of 5 stars
This was a disappointing book. I have loved all of Mark Gimenez's previous books, but this one was a dud. I like the fact that Gimenez sets his books in Texas, but this one was such an unfavorable depiction of our great state. He made Texans seem like people who only care about money, hunting, and appearances, and he portrayed Mexicans as either ignorant or ruthless. There were stereotypical politicians (aka liars, all) whose only concern is getting elected, drug lords with no regard for human life, and Mexican children who don't have an ounce of dignity or intelligence. He poked fun at the politics of both Texas and the United States. The characters were caricatures. And much of the book read like an action movie where the hero gets shot several times and slashed with a knife but can still carry an unconscious full-grown man one hundred yards uphill. If I were the type of reader who gives up on books, I would have put this one down, but I always have to see it through to the end, and boy was I glad when it ended. Mr. Gimenez should stick to legal thrillers rather than politics and perhaps focus on some of the better qualities of our state and its people.
View all my reviews
Now I am reading Hope to Die, the 22nd book in the Alex Cross series. At least I know to suspend belief as I am reading this one. I love the style that Patterson uses. He hooks you quickly and keeps you hooked till the end.
I'm still reading my One Year Bible on a daily basis, and I really look forward to the time I spend with it. I'm also reading my 3 Minute Devotionals on a daily basis. What are you reading?
Patterson is always an easy fun read. Sorry you were disappointed by last week's book. Anymore I give a book 2 chapters to grab me and then I move on - there are just too many books waiting on my shelves.
ReplyDeleteI can't not finish a book I have started but oh dear some are terrible:) very disapointing esp. if you have enjoyed previous ones - a betrayal. Hope this weeks books are better:)