Thursday, May 28, 2015


What is an anniversary?  It's what calendars were invented for!  Ha ha.  It's a day to commemorate a special occasion.  Today my husband and I have been married ten years.  I know, you're thinking, only ten?  I thought you were middle aged!  Yes, it's a second and better marriage for both of us.  Our anniversary used to signal that school was out, but now we have another week and a day.  But I have something special planned... It's a surprise!  I'm excited and can't wait to tell you all about it.

1. Wedding anniversary, obviously.  My husband and I always try to give each other a gift or token that signifies the traditional anniversary gifts people give.

2.  Work anniversaries. Some people celebrate the number of years they have been at a particular company, and some companies offer pins or gifts to signify the employee's service.

3.  Blogversaries.  The anniversary of the day you started your blog.  Mine is December 15, 2005.  Wow.  My ten year for that is coming up in 6-7 months.  Go figure!

4.  The anniversary of the date someone special died.  For me, it is October 10, 2004.  That is the day my beloved father passed away... not sick... no warning... just here one minute and gone the next, and there was nothing the doctors could do.  Not a happy anniversary, but an anniversary nonetheless.

5.  Here in Texas, we celebrate the say we won our independence from Mexico, March 2, 1836.  Perhaps you have your own state anniversary.

6. The anniversary of Bayer aspirin first being used in tablet form is January 1.  I bet they had no idea what they started 100 years ago!

7.  For the British, June 2, 1953 is an important anniversary.  Elizabeth was crowned queen, and she still "rules" today.

8.  For fans of the Beatles, January 30, 1969 is an important anniversary. This is the day of their final, public concert as a group.

9.  Many people celebrate the anniversary of their first date with their significant others.  I believe ours was January 9, 2002.

10.  Disneyland is celebrating their 60th anniversary this year.

11.  Americans celebrate the anniversary of the birth of our nation on July 4th.

12.  9/11 will likely be an anniversary Americans will remember for a long time to come.

13.  Many colleges celebrate the anniversary of their founding.  It creates pride in their institution.  It's also a great excuse for a parade or a frat party!

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  1. Nice 13. My Beloved Sandra and I (together now almost a quarter century) always celebrate our Meet-aversary on July 3rd and our First-Date-aversary on the 4th by attending the local fireworks, as we did then.

  2. What cool anniversaries you mentioned. Yes, we all have our own special ones.,

  3. I'm terrible for anniversaries. My husband OTOH remembers them all.

  4. Other "national" anniversaries might be December 7, 1941, the bombing of Pearl Harbor, November 22, 1963, when JFK was killed, July 21, 1969, when man walked on the moon, and January 28, 1986, when the space shuttle Challenger blew up. Those are dates I remember beyond personal anniversaries and such, along with 9/11. Locally we remember April 16, 2007, the shooting at VA Tech, as a most recent moment in our history. Good post.

  5. Other "national" anniversaries might be December 7, 1941, the bombing of Pearl Harbor, November 22, 1963, when JFK was killed, July 21, 1969, when man walked on the moon, and January 28, 1986, when the space shuttle Challenger blew up. Those are dates I remember beyond personal anniversaries and such, along with 9/11. Locally we remember April 16, 2007, the shooting at VA Tech, as a most recent moment in our history. Good post.

  6. I do remember when I met my hubby, because it is also my friends anniversary since we met at her wedding!
    Canada celebrates July 1st as our independence Day. but, we also celebrate the Queen's birthday: so, go figure.


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