My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Christina Freeburn's Cropped to Death is a cute, little mystery. Emphasis on cute. It was an easy read, despite the many, many errors (Yes, I was correcting grammar and misprints as I read, and they really added up). It didn't quite flow well, though. First of all, there is a mystery surrounding the main character's background, and it feels as though the reader has missed something. The background never quite becomes clear, nor does it explain the character's motives. Freeburn does keep you guessing about the murder - obviously there is a murder since death is in the title. But it's not a creepy, scare-you-to-death murder. I chose this book because of the setting - a scrapbook store. I'd love to own one someday. I probably won't read any other books by Freeburn because the writing lacked substance, but it was a fun summer read.
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Sounds like it could be a nice quick book for the weekend. I am not sure if you know Art @ Home has a Literary Friday linky party for book reviews.