Thursday, December 24, 2015

Thursday Thirteen Christmas Eve

Happy Christmas Eve!  Come on over to Thursday 13 and join us for some fun.

What a wonderful day and a wonderful time of year, but boy, has it been busy for the last week!

1.  I had to give and grade semester exams.
2.  We had a pretty major family emergency exactly a week ago, and we still feel the aftershocks.
3.  Christmas shopping!
4.  My poor cat accidentally spent Sunday night outside.  She's an indoor cat who likes to go in the back yard sometimes, and she was quite sneaky.  We didn't know she was outside, and none of us heard her meowing until the morning.  It rained that night. She was filthy.
5.  The cat had her semi-annual vet visit.  All clear!
6.  I had to give the cat a bath.  I think I hurt her arm in the process because she limped for a day or so.
7.  I had my yearly mammogram.  Very important, ladies!  My mom had breast cancer, and I don't want to take any chances. The place I go has a new machine that takes x-rays in 3D.
8.  I made the best chocolate chip cookies ever!  I researched recipes and tips and tricks to make the cookies soft and chewy rather than crispy.  It worked!
9.  I took a friend and my daughters to a movie.  My friend recently had surgery, so she needed some fun.  We saw Sisters. Pretty funny!
10.  More shopping and lots of present-wrapping!
11.  I went to the eye doctor.  My close vision changed a little, but my far vision is still pretty good.  I'm debating getting progressive lenses so I don't have to constantly put my reading glasses on and take them off.
12.  Saw the orthopedic surgeon for another follow-up from my summer surgery.  It's just not healing well.  Still have more pain that I probably should be having at 6 months out.
13.  And today, I get to have lunch with Tamy, (of Three Sides of Crazy and Savory Kitchen Table)whom I haven't seen in a couple of years.  She just moved back to Texas, and I'm excited to see her.
BONUS!  Christmas Eve service at church this evening.  And... finish wrapping presents!  Merry Christmas!


  1. Wow, you have been busy. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas.

  2. I hope your family emergency was nothing serious. And I hope your surgical pain goes away. I have been dealing with that for 2.5 years now, so I do wish you well. I wouldn't wish it upon my worst enemy.

    Be blessed and have a good new year.

  3. Sisters looks like a good laugh. I saw them on Saturday Night Live last week. Have a Merry Christmas!

  4. You think you've been busy -- I now work part-time at a craft store, but have been given so many holiday hours I haven't had time for any actual crafting, and only just got my tree up before Christmas. :-\


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