Wow! Since I posted "Go 'Stros" this time last week, they lost the first two games of the World Series. But all was no lost. They won the next three games. Tonight just might be the last game in this year's WS! I would like that. If the Nats win, I'll miss game 7 because I'm working. Come on, Astros! Win in 6 for me!
The Rockets have won two of three so far, It's a start. It's also a long season.
Man! The month of October never ends! It drags on incessantly. It seems like the longest month of the year even though it has the same number of days as a few other months. Wake me up when
Halloween is this week, and it's not like the students need another reason to act crazy, but we gave them one. It's also Red Ribbon Week complete with wacky hair day, mismatched clothes, and so on. I'm not a fan of Halloween. I liked it a lot when my kids were little and could dress up as something cute and go to a party or trick-or-treating. But I'm not a fan of kids the age of my students still going trick-or-treating. Oh, well. No big deal.
Have a great week!
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