Monday, September 16, 2024

Not a Nice Surprise

I'm going to tell you a little story about a time that I got a nasty surprise.  I used to mow the lawn myself back when I was a single gal, and I would only wear one pair of shoes to do so.  I used to leave them on the back porch so I wouldn't drag in grass, dirt, and mud.  Mowing the yard was also the only circumstance under which I would wear sneakers without socks.

Well, one afternoon I went out to the patio and sat down to put my shoes on.  When I put my foot in the first shoe, there was a nasty surprise in there waiting for me.  A huge bullfrog!  Eeeeek!  Oh my gosh!  That is so gross!  This wasn't some cute little green tree frog.  No, Sir!  It was a giant greenish bark-colored toad.

Now, I don't mind most insects and such, and a spider doesn't scare me, well, not too much... but frogs?  It's not that they scare me.  Snakes are way worse than frogs, and they DO scare me, and lizards and geckos are only slightly better than snakes, but I still have a certain disdain for frogs.  I could definitely live without them, regardless of how many bugs they eat.

Needless to say, I screamed and threw my shoe.  And I never wore it again!  After that, I kept my shoes in the garage instead of on the patio, and I wore (old) socks every time after that as well.

What's a Not-So-Nice Surprise you've experienced?

Bring on the frog memes!

Last one, I promise!

Have a hoppy week!


  1. Great frog funnies but not a 'frog' in your shoe ~ Yikes ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  2. Love all the frog funnies, but your experience with that frog in your shoe would have freaked me out too.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. ♥


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