I am participating in Writer's Workshop for the first time. I used to participate in Sunday Scribblings, which was very similar, but sadly, that ended in 2013. One of the prompts this week is "Share your favorite moments of 2021."

2021 was definitely not a stellar year in many ways, but there were moments that were stellar in their own way. For example, last January, my husband and I drove to Brazos Bend State Park and hiked for a while. It was peaceful and beautiful. We visited other local and state parks as well.
We also vacationed at Blisswood Bed and Breakfast Ranch as well as Austin, San Antonio, Dallas, and Lake Charles. Retirement is a blessing in that regard!
I was able to go to the Fort Worth Stockyards with my twins and my daughter and I went to Decorator's Warehouse (the BIGGEST Christmas store) in Arlington.
Our little grand-daughter turned one this year. She will actually be two in two months. She's brought us so much joy! And she's changed so much since this photo!
We attended my nephew's wedding in October! It was a beautiful ceremony and a fun reception.
I have expanded my crafting and sewing skills this year and intend to continue to try to do so. I have found several blogs and websites to help me along the way, and YouTube is extremely helpful! I was actually able to hand-craft several gifts that I think, I hope, the receiver's loved and appreciated.
This is one of the gift card holders I made. |
I also loved loved loved my beautiful Christmas tree this year even though it was so tall we couldn't get the tree-topper on it! And my sister and I were able to attend the Christmas party at my mom's assisted living facility.
I met my Goodreads reading goal of 30 books for the year!
And on a side note, another prompt asked if you had chosen a word of the year for 2022. Writing this post has helped me choose my word... IMPROVE.
I can... Improve my knowledge of subjects like dementia in order to help my mom. Improve my scrapbooking, crafting, and sewing skills. Improve my faith. Improve my reading and writing. Improve my ability to set healthy boundaries and take breaks when I am feeling overwhelmed. Improve my relationships. Thanks Mama Kat for helping me decide on my word!
Not every part of 2021 was good, but there was enough good in it to outweigh the not-so-good, so I am thankful.
Visit the writing prompts over at Mama's Losin' It to join in or read some fabulous blog posts!