Tuesday, March 01, 2022

Random Happy Tuesday

 Link up with Random Tuesday Thoughts and/or Happy Tuesday for some great blog hops!

We've been having fun with the grandbaby and granddogs  for a couple of days. She turned 2 on Friday.  We are still keeping the dogs, but our daughter, her husband, and the grandbaby are off for a few days to visit his family.  They'll be back in a day or two and stay at least a few more days with us.

She's ready for presents, cake, and ice cream!

We finally broke down and bought a crib. The poor thing was sleeping on a pallet before.  We figure we will eventually have other grandkids, so it will get used. We were going to buy a used crib, but I just got an icky feeling about that.  You don't know where it's been, what kind of home it was.  Even if we had bought one used, I still think I would've purchased a new mattress.  I don't want someone else's used mattress, so why have the granddaughter use one.  We ended up getting the crib and mattress at Amazon for a pretty good price.

I'm going to see my sister tomorrow.  She had a hysterectomy last Wednesday, and she can't really go anywhere or do anything for a few weeks.  Prior to the surgery, she stayed home so she wouldn't get covid and possibly postpone her surgery, so we never got to celebrate her birthday.  She had already been to the hospital emergency room and had to get three transfusions, so she didn't want to risk a situation like covid that would further postpone the procedure. I'm really looking forward to seeing her.

Without further ado...

This is so true.  In the 80's one day, back to the 40's for a few, then forecasts for 70's again soon.

This cracked me up!


Funny... but true!

Last but not least...
Awwww. True, yes, but so cute!

Have a great week!


  1. Those are some great funnies! Glad you are having fun with your granddaughter.

  2. Fun birthdays and funny memes. I love the banana bread the best. I laughed out loud.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. ♥

  3. "Your own asphalt" -- heeheehee! Great stuff. Many happy returns of the day to the birthday girl, and prayers for your sister.


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