My rating: 4 of 5 stars
This was soooo much better than the last few books I've read! I love coming back to a series and finding it as good if not better than before. I've watched the new Lincoln Lawyer series, but I still picture Matthew McConaughey as Haller. I probably always will even though the series has gone in a somewhat different direction with the character. I also still picture Bosch in my head the way I always have rather than as the character on the Prime series. Anyway...
Mickey Haller is in jail, arrested for the murder of a con man he had defended several time. Sam Scales was found shot to death in the trunk of Haller's Lincoln during a routine traffic stop. The bullet is found in Haller's garage where police say the murder took place. And Mickey was at home at the time of the murder. How is he going to prove his innocence, which we know he is, and so do his ex-wives, daughter, half-brother Bosch, investigator Cisco, and office manager Lorna. They, however, are in the minority. In order to prove his innocence to a bulldog prosecutor, they will have to figure out who is really guilty. Mickey Haller won't settle for just a "not guilty." He wants to prove his innocence: two very different concepts. Then the prosecution throws in a special circumstance, crime for financial gain, and the death penalty is now on the table.
The plot is spaghetti, a tangled mess involving a con man, a convict, a criminal, a corporation, a real-estate-developer-turned-mobster, a former client seeking revenge, prison guards, a former lover, and even the FBI.
Haller is mostly on his own in his cell for much of the time leading up to his trial which he insists will not be delayed. Therefore, there is a lot of narration, reflection, and inner dialogue. There are, however, some action scenes as well. In addition, Connelly incorporates current issues in biofuel production, the messiness of our American judicial system, social justice, and even COVID-19, and these issues are woven seamlessly into the story.
This book is suspenseful and hard to put down, and it's probably the best book I've read this year.
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It sounds just up Grandpa's alley, he loves a good mystery/suspense/thriller.
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