My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Dennis McDougal did his research well. He left no stone unturned when delving into the many lives that were affected by Theresa Jimmie Francine Cross Sanders Knorr Pulliam Harris. Yes, she had four husbands! She also had six children, 3 boys and 3 girls, not all by the same father. I also appreciate that the author added parts at the end that included the results of the trials and additional information.
I do feel like some of the book was repetitive, though. The author circles back to events he has already described and rewrites them in a not-too-different manner multiple time and from the perspective of several of her six children (whose perspectives weren't really that different). I just felt that was quite a bit of unnecessary dialogue and description that did not need to be presented more than once because it didn't differ enough among the brothers and sisters. I also wish he had spent more time telling about the trial and the legal aspects of the case.
Theresa Knorr, as she was generally known, was an evil, wicked, woman. Her many crimes included murder, assault, improper discharge of a weapon, child abuse (both physical and mental), allowing her kids to be truant, evading arrest, fraud, compelling prostitution, and the list just goes on and on. She also dealt with addiction, laziness, jealousy, and a sick need to control others. I'm surprised at how much her children tolerated and appalled at the power and control she had over them as well as the men in her life. The horror she created in the lives of her own family is unimaginable. Theresa was a monster. The subject matter made this somewhat difficult to read because it's not exactly entertainment as most books are. I don't know how she can live with herself.
I had heard about a young woman being set on fire through one of my true crime podcasts, so I just had to read this book. The author did a great job in retelling all of her horrific crimes.
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