Monday, May 29, 2023

It's Tuesday and I'm Happy


I can't believe I only posted once last week.  Well, yes, I CAN believe it, but it wasn't my plan. You know what they say about the best laid plans.  Did that come from the book Of Mice and Men or did Steinbeck just borrow it?  (I went back and looked it up.  He borrowed it.  It was first written in 1785 by a man named Robert Burns.  Who knew?)

I had a fantastic weekend!  My husband and I celebrated 18 years of marriage (2nd marriage for both of us). To be honest, I'm really proud of both of us for putting up with each other!  We decided to splurge and treated ourselves to a hotel stay in downtown Houston along with a fancy schmancy dinner and a cocktail on a rooftop bar

Our waiter wasn't joking when he said these were
the best crabcakes in the city.  The BEST!

  My DH had no idea Comicpalooza was in town and many of the festival-goers were staying in our hotel. 

It was... interesting.  Being unfamiliar with that niche, we couldn't figure out what many people were dressed as.  We definitely saw an Alice or 2 and a White Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland.  Interesting!

Well, that's all I have worth mentioning today, so let's laugh a little!

Good question!

Last, but not least...

Have a great week, and don't forget to visit Random Tuesday Thoughts and Happy Tuesday!



  1. Happy Anniversary, sounds like a nice celebration! Love the 1989 Go Fund Me. These days people have a go fund me if someone sneezes and needs a Kleenex. It is crazy!

  2. Happy Anniversary to you and your husband. We just celebrated our 23rd anniversary and it's our second time around too. We got it right this time.

    Oh your dinner looks amazing. I love crab cakes. Yummy.

    Love all the funnies. Giant shoe sale made me spew my coffee.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. ♥

  3. Heeheehee! Love the funnies.

    Happy Anniversary!


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