Monday, July 22, 2024

Christmas in July


Has anyone else started Christmas shopping?  Obviously I'm asking because I have started.  Yes, I realize we have back to school, Halloween, and Thanksgiving first, but I couldn't pass up some of the deals on Prime Day.  Besides, I love Christmas!  It's my favorite holiday.  I love the decorations, especially the Christmas tree, the music, and the warm heart I feel when I give gifts.  Christmas is my love language.  My husband would like to skip Christmas and go on a vacation, and it's not a bad idea, but I'm not ready to skip it yet.  How about you?

And in honor of that...

That's all the Christmas for today!

Have a great week!  And don't forget to visit Happy Tuesday and Random Tuesday Thoughts

Monday, July 08, 2024

Happy Random Tuesday

 Not feeling much like writing a post today as my mom's medical maladies are mostly on my mind,plus the Category 1 Hurricane we just survived leaves us with no power or Internet (meaning I'm not typing this at home), so I will just skip to a few funnies!



Have a great week! Don't forget to visit Happy Tuesday and Random Tuesday Thoughts.


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