Saturday, August 31, 2024

Sunday Synopsis - Turtles All the Way Down

Turtles All the Way DownTurtles All the Way Down by John Green
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

John Green wrote The Fault in Our Stars, which I liked, and Paper Towns, which I didn't. So I wasn't sure if I would like this one. Turns out, it's somewhere in the middle of like and not like.

Aza is a 16 year old who suffers from depression, anxiety, and OCD who is also grieving the loss of her father. Her best friend is Daisy. Aza and Daisy reconnect with Aza's childhood crush, who happens to be the son of a wealthy businessman who is wanted by police, yet successfully missing. Daisy, who is poor, really wants to find him to get the reward. Aza and Davis begin dating, but her OCD and other issues get in the way, and her relationship with Daisy is suffering as well for the same reasons. She knows she is difficult to get close to.

Green makes it easy to see how Aza's disorders can spiral out of control, but she is not a truly sympathetic character, nor are Daisy and Davis, either. I found it difficult to relate to any of the characters except perhaps Aza's mom. I have mixed feelings because it does so well with the teenage mental issues. It has also been made into a movie just as the other two Green books I mentioned, but I'm not sure I will watch it. And I won't include any spoilers in case you decide to read or watch it.

View all my reviews

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Fun Photos

 Margaritaville Lake Resort in Montgomery, Texas on Lake Conroe

Visit Wordless Wednesday for more fun photos!

Monday, August 26, 2024

Happy Random Tuesday


My husband and I had a great time at Margaritaville Lake Resort last week, then going to see our daughter. I feel so much better after having seen her.  Her scan won't be for another 6 weeks, so they must not be too concerned.
The view from our room.

Meanwhile, my foot is still broken.  It has had a Jones Fracture since April 25.  I remember the date vividly because it happened when we were visiting my mom at the hospital.  The top of the bone has begun to fuse, but not the bottom.  I'm trying to avoid surgery, but my insurance won't cover the cost of a bone stimulator, not that there's a guarantee it will help.

Let's move on to some more happy stuff:

I hope someone besides me "gets" this!  Bye Felicia!

This is sooo me!

Have a great week, and visit Comedy Plus and Stacy Uncorked for more happy randomness!

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Sunday Synopsis - True Crime, Bitter Blood


Bitter Blood: A True Story of Southern Family Pride, Madness, and Multiple MurderBitter Blood: A True Story of Southern Family Pride, Madness, and Multiple Murder by Jerry Bledsoe
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

When you begin reading this book, the characters don't fit the profile of the southern family pride this book depicts, and you may wonder why this part is included. But trust me on this... it is important and the story will come full circle and help you better understand how these crimes happened.

This is the story of three families in North Carolina who are connected by marriage, status, and ultimately, by death. The common denominator is a woman called Susie Sharp Newsom Lynch, and later, Fritz Klenner, her cousin. The story is about power, status, obsession, alleged insest, a custody battle, and murder, actually, multiple murders.

You may decide you don't like any of the characters, as there are only a few likable in the bunch, and there are a great many characters. It is somewhat difficult to keep track of who is who and why they are important to the story.

Bledsoe didn't leave out any detail, but he unfortunately repeated details numerous times. This book could have been one third shorter without leaving anything out. Towards the final chapters, I just wanted it to end.

The actual story is quite interesting, I just didn't need to read the same events over and over. I can't say anything more without giving away too much of the plot, but if you like true crime, and you know how to skim when you realize you're not being told anything new, then this book might be for you.

View all my reviews

Monday, August 19, 2024

Happy Random Tuesday


Today I'm in a little better mood than I was this time two weeks ago when I first heard my daughter had to have an I-131 full body scan that uses radioactivity to show cancer cells. She had her thyroid removed a year ago, and she has a swollen lymph node that may - or may not - be cause for concern.  She is still waiting for the scheduler from the hospital to call, but I've had time to do some research, and I am trying not to think about it too much.  Plus, we get to visit her and her husband this weekend.  And, I got happy mail from her last week!  So, as long as I don't get in my head about it, I am okay for now.

Let's just go ahead and move on.

This is so true!!!!


Hahaha!  This actually made me laugh. 

Or maybe these are more your style...

Have a great week!
And don't forget to visit Happy Tuesday and Random Tuesday Thoughts.

Monday, August 05, 2024

It's Supposed to be Happy and Random Tuesday


Not in much mood to write today.  My daughter had her thyroid removed about a year ago, and they are worried that some of her cancer may have spread to the lymph nodes.  She's going to need an I-131 scan.  That's where they inject her with radioactive dye for three days then 2 days later they conduct the scan.  I'm really worried.  She just turned 28 2 months ago.  She hasn't started a family yet, and I worry also that she may never be able to.  Please let me know if you know anything about this type of image study that uses radioactive material.

If you need a laugh, visit Random Tuesday Thoughts and Happy Tuesday.  I just can't today.


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