Monday, August 19, 2024

Happy Random Tuesday


Today I'm in a little better mood than I was this time two weeks ago when I first heard my daughter had to have an I-131 full body scan that uses radioactivity to show cancer cells. She had her thyroid removed a year ago, and she has a swollen lymph node that may - or may not - be cause for concern.  She is still waiting for the scheduler from the hospital to call, but I've had time to do some research, and I am trying not to think about it too much.  Plus, we get to visit her and her husband this weekend.  And, I got happy mail from her last week!  So, as long as I don't get in my head about it, I am okay for now.

Let's just go ahead and move on.

This is so true!!!!


Hahaha!  This actually made me laugh. 

Or maybe these are more your style...

Have a great week!
And don't forget to visit Happy Tuesday and Random Tuesday Thoughts.


  1. Not every thusday should be happy time. We need som space sometimes

  2. Prayers for your daughter.

    Love all the funnies. It's a no from me on the crocks. Goodness.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. ♥

    1. Thank you for the prayers. Crocs are no for me as well.

  3. I'm praying for your daughter and your family.

    Thanks for the grins, and as for the crocs, the holes are where your dignity leaks out.

  4. Thanks for the prayers. dignity leaks out... hahaha! That's funny!


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