Monday, August 26, 2024

Happy Random Tuesday


My husband and I had a great time at Margaritaville Lake Resort last week, then going to see our daughter. I feel so much better after having seen her.  Her scan won't be for another 6 weeks, so they must not be too concerned.
The view from our room.

Meanwhile, my foot is still broken.  It has had a Jones Fracture since April 25.  I remember the date vividly because it happened when we were visiting my mom at the hospital.  The top of the bone has begun to fuse, but not the bottom.  I'm trying to avoid surgery, but my insurance won't cover the cost of a bone stimulator, not that there's a guarantee it will help.

Let's move on to some more happy stuff:

I hope someone besides me "gets" this!  Bye Felicia!

This is sooo me!

Have a great week, and visit Comedy Plus and Stacy Uncorked for more happy randomness!


  1. I hope your foot heals soon. That's a long time to wait for it to heal. What a fabulous view you had. Wow.

    Love all the funnies and my favorite is the loaded one. I spewed my water.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. ♥

  2. What a lovely resort!

    I'm praying for you and your daughter, your family. It's hard, I get it.

    Thanks for the laughs!


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