Monday, August 05, 2024

It's Supposed to be Happy and Random Tuesday


Not in much mood to write today.  My daughter had her thyroid removed about a year ago, and they are worried that some of her cancer may have spread to the lymph nodes.  She's going to need an I-131 scan.  That's where they inject her with radioactive dye for three days then 2 days later they conduct the scan.  I'm really worried.  She just turned 28 2 months ago.  She hasn't started a family yet, and I worry also that she may never be able to.  Please let me know if you know anything about this type of image study that uses radioactive material.

If you need a laugh, visit Random Tuesday Thoughts and Happy Tuesday.  I just can't today.


  1. Prayers for your precious daughter. Such a hard time for the family.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Healing hugs. ♥

  2. (((hugs))) Your daughter and your family are in my prayers. It's so hard when our babies are sick.


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