Saturday, September 07, 2024

Sunday Synopsis - Tai Pan

Tai-Pan (Asian Saga #2)Tai-Pan by James Clavell
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is book number 2 in the Asian Saga. After reading and loving Shogun, I was so looking forward to this one. This is not a sequel, however. There are 5 books in the series, but all except one are actually stand-alone books.

When I first started this one, I wanted to stop. I didn't like it, but my husband encouraged me to keep going, so I did, and I ended up liking it a lot.

This book is set in the 1840's at the founding of Hong Kong. The Tai Pan, Supreme Leader of all China's tai pans, is a Scott named Dirk Struan. The book is mainly about his struggles to keep his fleet as the leading established fleet in Hong Kong and to prevent his rival from sabotaging or taking over his role. These business dealings are accompanied by themes of love, family, politics, and strife between England and China. It's another long book, although not as long as Shogun, but it is well worth the time spent reading it.0

View all my reviews

Monday, September 02, 2024

Happy Random Tuesday

 Hi everyone.  Hope you're having a happy day.

I'm so ready for summer to be over!  I know Labor Day is technically the end of summer, but we're due for upper 90's and 100's for a while still.

Speaking of Labor Day, did you have any plans?  My husband grilled steak, but that was the extent of our plans.  Rain and heat (and a broken foot... still) prevent me from wanting to do too much.  It's been four months since I broke it, and it's still only partially healed.  Insurance denied the bone stimulator.  No idea where I go from here except to wait longer.

How about let's laugh a little?

Just kidding, honey!

Have a great week!

Visit Happy Tuesday and Random Tuesday Thoughts for more fun!


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