Monday, September 02, 2024

Happy Random Tuesday

 Hi everyone.  Hope you're having a happy day.

I'm so ready for summer to be over!  I know Labor Day is technically the end of summer, but we're due for upper 90's and 100's for a while still.

Speaking of Labor Day, did you have any plans?  My husband grilled steak, but that was the extent of our plans.  Rain and heat (and a broken foot... still) prevent me from wanting to do too much.  It's been four months since I broke it, and it's still only partially healed.  Insurance denied the bone stimulator.  No idea where I go from here except to wait longer.

How about let's laugh a little?

Just kidding, honey!

Have a great week!

Visit Happy Tuesday and Random Tuesday Thoughts for more fun!

1 comment:

  1. Love them all, but the male Alexa one made me spew my coffee. Problem solved.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. ♥


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